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Inquiry Content

Inquiry details

Company name

Name of person in charge

Email address

Telephone number

Post code


Handling of personal information

  1. 1. Handling of personal information

    In order to carry out our business smoothly, we obtain and use information such as your name, address, telephone number, and email address (collectively referred to as "personal information" below). We will comply with applicable laws and other regulations regarding your personal information.

  2. 2. Purpose of use of personal information

    In carrying out construction projects and other such work, we obtain personal information necessary for the execution of our business, and this personal information will be used for the following purposes. In addition, in order to carry out our business smoothly, we may outsource part of our business and provide personal information to the outsourced business to the extent necessary. In such cases, we will provide appropriate supervision to these outsourced business parties regarding the handling of personal information.

    Contracting, investigation, planning, surveying, design, supervision, after-sales service and consulting for civil engineering and construction works. Construction, purchase and sale, rental, brokerage and consulting for apartments, etc. To objectively grasp customer satisfaction by conducting surveys on the usage status and usage environment of houses built by our company. To fulfill the requirements of the Construction Business Act, the Industrial Safety and Health Act and other related laws. To improve labor and safety management. To respond to inquiries about the above various services.

  3. 3. Provision to third parties

    We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties except in the case of providing to business contractors described in "2. Purpose of use of personal information" or in any of the following cases.

    When the customer's consent is obtained
    When the information is disclosed in a manner that makes it impossible to identify the customer. When the handling of the information is entrusted to an external company for reasons such as the smooth running of business (in this case, we will select a company with a sufficient level of protection and implement appropriate. management to prevent leaks or re-provision) When disclosure is required by law, etc. When it is necessary to protect human life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent. When it is necessary to cooperate with the national or local government in carrying out public affairs, and obtaining the customer's consent may hinder the performance of those affairs. When the information is provided to the parties listed in the above items.

  4. 4. Joint Use of Personal Information

    We will jointly use personal data with the following companies.

    【Items of personal data to be used jointly】 Customer name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.
    【Range of parties to use jointly】 SHIBUTANI Estate Partners Co., Ltd.
    【Purpose of use by party】 For our group as a whole to provide after-sales service to customers.
    【Person responsible for managing personal data】 Shibutani Co., Ltd. Management Headquarters.
    Tel: 0744-43-1567
    Fax: 0744-45-1915

  5. 5. Inquiries regarding personal information

    If you wish to disclose, correct, add, or delete your personal information held by our company, we will respond within a reasonable period and scope after confirming that you are the person making the request. However, we may restrict disclosure if we determine that it would be an impediment to the performance of our business. In addition, we may not be able to respond to requests to delete information held in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

【Contact】 Management Headquarters
Tel: 0744-43-1567
Reception hours: 9:00am - 12:00pm, 1:00pm - 5:00pm (excluding holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)