Company Profile

- Corporate name
- Shibutani Co., Ltd.
- Representative
- Morihiro Shibutani, President, CEO and Chairman
- Main office
186-1 Tobi, Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture 633-0007
Tel: 0744-43-1567; Fax: 0744-45-1915
- Offices
- Tokyo Office: 4F Yamaman Building, 6-1 Koamicho, Nihonbashi,
Chuo-ku, TokyoGOOGLE MAP - Osaka Office: 2F, 1-3-23 Dojimahama, Kita-ku, Osaka City,
Osaka Prefecture (inside LAGUNAVEIL OSAKA)GOOGLE MAP - Saitama Office: Castle Heights II 102, 3-1-28 Kamiochiai, Chuo-ku,
Saitama City, Saitama PrefectureGOOGLE MAP - Fukui Office: 17-13 Kousui cho, Fukui City, Fukui PrefectureGOOGLE MAP
- First factory: 186-1, Oaza Tobi, Sakurai City, Nara PrefectureGOOGLE MAP
- Second factory: 201-1, Oaza Tobi, Sakurai City, Nara PrefectureGOOGLE MAP
- Third factory: 200-1, Oaza Tobi, Sakurai City, Nara PrefectureGOOGLE MAP
- Fourth factory: 208-1, Oaza Tobi, Sakurai City, Nara PrefectureGOOGLE MAP
- Fifth factory: 406 Obara, Sakurai City, Nara PrefectureGOOGLE MAP
- Muji House: Nara Store 183-1 Kihara-cho, Kashihara-shi, Nara PrefectureGOOGLE MAP
- Tokyo Office: 4F Yamaman Building, 6-1 Koamicho, Nihonbashi,
- Founded in
- 1913
- Established on
- April 26, 1973
- Capital
- 80 million yen
- Number of employees
- 50 (including part-time workers)
- Business activities
- Contracting, designing and supervising of civil engineering construction work
Buying and selling, intermediary leasing and management of real estate
Import and sales of containers and lumber
Import and sale of furniture, interior goods, product for exteriors and miscellaneous goods
Sales and construction of stone baths (ganban’yoku)
Agency services for telecommunications carriers, sales of telecommunications equipment and devices
Import and sale of alcoholic beverages and more
- Partner banks
- Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation/MUFG Bank, Ltd./Shoko Chukin Bank/Chukyo Bank
Yamato Shinkin Bank, Ltd./Nara Shinkin Bank/Japan Finance Corporation
- Affiliated companies
- Escrit Co., Ltd. (consolidated parent company)
- Yamaman Building, 6-1 Koamicho, Nihombashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0016
- SHIBUTANI Estate Partners Co., Ltd. (wholly owned subsidiary)
- 183-1 Kihara-cho, Kashihara-shi, Nara 633-0007
- Construction license/Nara Prefectural Governor Permit (Special-31) No. 14537
- Real Estate Transactions License/Nara Prefectural Governor (6) No. 3122
- First Class Architect Office Registration/Nara Prefectural Governor Registration No. 2019 (To) 1102
- Timber business registration Timber No. 00-506
- Lumber business registration: Lumber No. 00-0266
- ISO 14001:2015 Certification number 01 104 1634316 (design, construction, and construction management of architecture, civil engineering, and pavement works)
- ISO 9001:2015 Certification number 01 100 039382 (design, construction, and construction management of architecture, civil engineering, and pavement works)
- Registered trademarks: Rock cave baths, Bedrock baths, Kozai Bank (reclaimed wood bank),Kenzai Bank (building materials bank), Container bank
Board Hotel/The sun moon resort/Manshitsu Jozu/casacoco/Solo Station - Patents: Unit Building No. 6029711
- 1913
- First-generation Tatsuzo Asada, requested by the current Japan Post Co., Ltd.,
starts a postal service(haul carrier business) in Nara Prefecture.
- 1926
- Inheriting the business activities of the Shibutani family,
the company transitions from the postal business to the transportation business (by horse).
- 1950
- March: Second-generation Torataro Shibutani establishes Shibutani Shoten (lumber transport and timber sales).
- 1962
- July: The company’s name is changed to Shibutani Mamoru Shoten after the third-generation owner
(sawmill business, establishment of a new sawmill).
- 1966
- June: The company’s name is changed to Shibutani Mokuzai.
- 1973
- April: The company is incorporated as Shibutani Mokuzai Kogyo Co., Ltd.
- 1976
- April: The civil engineering and architecture departments are established for the first time.
- 1989
- April: A business partnership is established with a wood factory in China
- 1990
- February: Sogo Co., Ltd., (Real estate department) is established as a subsidiary (100% owned)
- 1993
- July: The company’s name is changed from Shibutani Mokuzai Kogyo Co., Ltd., to Shibutani Kogyo Co., Ltd.
- 1995
- July: The Kozai Bank (import and sales of reclaimed wood) is established.
November: The Fukui office (13-17 Kosui,Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture) is established.
- 1999
- April: The Osaka branch office is established.
- 2001
- October: The company obtains ISO 9002 certification, the international standard for quality assurance.
- 2002
- May: The company enters into a business partnership with Life Corp(983)Co., Ltd., in Bangkok, Thailand.
May: The company enters into a business partnership with Oriental Stone Spa & Resort in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
September: The Tokyo office is established.
- 2003
- October: The company obtains ISO 9001 certification, the international standard for quality management.
October: The company becomes a franchisee of Y&M Mansion FC.
- 2006
- October: The company becomes a partner of the Muji House Network.
November: The company becomes a partner of Pet Care Mansion “ADHOC.”
- 2007
- April: The company becomes SoftBank Mobile’s primary agent.
- 2008
- March: Muji House model house opens.
November: The company’s name is changed from Shibutani Kogyo Co., Ltd., to Shibutani Co., Ltd.
November: The fourth-generation Morihiro Shibutani is appointed President and CEO
while former president Mamoru Shibutani assumes the position of Chairman.
December: The name of subsidiary Sogo Co., Ltd., is changed to Shibutani Estate Partners Co., Ltd.
- 2010
- September: The company exhibits at the 27th National Urban Greening Nara Fair Yamato Hanagoyomi 2010
and is awarded the Kurashi No Tsuji (Silver) Prize and the Nara no Niwa (Bronze) Prize.
- 2012
- February: The Osaka office is relocated
(Ginsen Dotonbori Building Annex 5F, 2-15-1 Nishi-Shinsaibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka City).
- 2013
- June: Consolidation with Escrit Co., Ltd., a company listed on the First Section of the Tokyo
Stock Exchange is announced.
- 2014
- August: The Tokyo office is relocated (Kowa Nishi-Shimbashi Building B Building, 2-14-1 Nishi-Shimbashi,
Minato-ku, Tokyo).
- 2015
- August: Morihiro Shibutani is appointed President and CEO of Shibutani Co., Ltd.,
and Vice President and CEO of Escrit Co., Ltd.
- 2016
- September: The company obtained ISO 14001 certification, an international standard for environmental management.
- 2019
- February: WORLD DECORS OSAKA store opens in Namba, Osaka.
- 2020
- April: Morihiro Shibutani is appointed President, CEO and Chairman
July: Morihiro Shibutani is appointed President and CEO of Escri Co., Ltd. (concurrent post)
Business partners
- Life Corp(983)Co.,Ltd.
Affiliated organizations
- Sakurai Lumber Cooperative (Website)
- Nara Prefectural Precious Wood Cooperative Association (Website)
- Fukui Prefectural Special Wood Sales Cooperative Association (Website)
- MUJI HOUSE (Website)
- Y&M Mansion Franchise (Website)
- Japan Management Center Co., Ltd. (Website)
- Sakurai City’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Website)
- Nara Prefectural Association of Corporate Executives (Website)
- Nara Chukin Youth Association (Website)
- Nara Prefectural Small and Medium Enterprise Federation (Website)
- Nara Prefectural Construction Industry Association (General Incorporated Association) (Chuwa Construction Industry Association) (Website)
- Kansai Interior Planners Association (General Incorporated Association) (Website)
- Kansai Housing Industry Association (General Incorporated Association) (Website)
- Earthquake-resistant Housing 100% Executive Committee (General Incorporated Association) (Website)
- Nara Prefectural Safe Driving Managers Association (General Incorporated Association) (Website)
- Nara Prefectural Architect Office Association (General Incorporated Association) (Website)x
- Nara Prefectural Architects Association (General Incorporated Association) (Website)
- Architectural Institute of Japan (General Incorporated Association) (Website)
- Nara Prefectural Social Insurance Association (General Incorporated Association) (Website)
- Japan Rental Box Association (General Incorporated Association) (Website)
- Sakurai Junior Chamber (General Incorporated Association) (Website)
- Sakurai Taxpayers Association (Public Interest Incorporated Association) (Website)
- Nara Prefectural Real Estate Transactions Association (Public Interest Incorporated Association) (Website)
- Nara Prefectural Crime Prevention Association (Public Interest Incorporated Association) (Website)
- National Regional PFI Association (Non-profit organization) (Website)
- Nara Architectural Housing Center (Foundation) (Website)
- Nara Prefectural Flowering and Planting Agricultural Cooperative Association (Website)