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Environmental policy

Environmental policy

Quality policy

We meet the demands of our customers and of society by providing original, high-quality buildings safely and quickly with the goal of providing services that help people and the environment.

  • (1) Continuously improving compliance with requirements and increasing the effectiveness of our quality management system.
  • (2) Setting quality goals and reassessing them whenever necessary.

April 3, 2023
Shibutani Co., Ltd.
Shogo Matsui, Director

Environmental policy PDF

1. Philosophy

Our company, Shibutani Co., Ltd., is committed to preserving the environment and creating an earth-friendly environment through environmentally sound corporate activities in order to achieve sustainable development together with local welfare associations and all of humanity.

2. Basic policy

Business activities in the construction and civil engineering sectors have an impact on the natural environment, consuming resources and energy as well as generating industrial waste, causing various environmental problems. As a result, promoting energy conservation, reducing construction and civil engineering byproducts as well as recycling are now paramount tasks for any socially conscious company.
In order to preserve our rich global environment for future generations, we promote the activities indicated below based on our environmental philosophy of the commitment to preserve the environment and create an earth-friendly environment through environmentally sound corporate activities.

  1. Shibutani Co., Ltd., accurately assesses the impact on the environment of its business activities, including design, construction and after-sales maintenance of civil engineering structures and buildings, and engages in activities to preserve the environment to the extent it is technically and economically possible.
  2. The purpose of our environmental management system is to prevent environmental pollution, and we continuously improve the management system and its performance through goal setting, corrective activities, internal audits, management reviews, and more.
  3. We clarify the contents of environmental laws, industry norms and voluntary standards and comply with the requirements.
  4. In order to ensure the success of our environmental policy, we formulate environmental objectives, targets and programs to the extent it is technically and economically possible, and promote activities to preserve the natural environment. Our environmental policy shall serve as a framework for the formulation and review of environmental objectives and targets.
  5. In the course of activities to preserve the natural environment with particular regard to the construction and civil engineering sites that are an unique aspect of our business, we will focus on the following:
    • (i) Environmentally conscious design and environmentally conscious order placement.
    • (ii) Limiting the generation of industrial waste and promote recycling through separation and similar initiatives.
    • (iii) Limiting construction noise and vibration.
    • (iv) Preventing water pollution.
    • (v) Conserving and recycling resources at our offices.
  6. We will ensure that all employees are familiar with our environmental policy and will incorporate it into our activities. We will also make our environmental policy known to our partner companies and gain their understanding and cooperation. The environmental policy will be reviewed in response to changes in the organization and environment.
  7. We will make our environmental policy available to the public and will also post it online.

April 3, 2023
Shibutani Co., Ltd.
Shogo Matsui, Director

Management system standards:
ISO 14001/ISO 9001 certification

Shibutani Co., Ltd., has obtained the International Organization for Standardization’s ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certification for designing and managing the construction of architectural, civil engineering, and paving works. We aim to gain our customers' trust and fulfill our responsibilities to them correctly and based on global standards.

ISO 14001 certification
ISO 14001 certification
ISO 9001 certification
ISO 9001 certification