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Real estate

Real estate

Professionals in the field of land and property utilization field Expert in making proposals that improve the value of our customers’ assets

We make proposals regarding land development, sales brokerage and asset utilization. The professionals we employ have a deep understanding of local networks and ties to local communities paired with a wealth of intellectual assets acquired in the course of a long history of achievements. We collaborate with our own architecture and civil engineering department to conduct detailed planning and to address our clients’ problems in earnest. Our mission is to ensure the happiness of people and communities by increasing the value of their assets.

Land development/brokerage

Land development/brokerage

Main activities

We offer dynamic proposals in the field of development engineering with a special focus on residential land development.

  • Land without road access

    Example 1Land without road access

    We were approached by a real estate company about a plot of land they owned but could not build on since it lacked an access road. We managed to negotiate with the owner of the adjoining plot the purchase of a portion of land up to the nearest road. As a result, the value of the original property increased approximately eightfold.

  • Farmland with narrow frontage

    Example 2Farmland with narrow frontage

    We were approached about a plot of land with a narrow frontage (a 10 m-wide and 100 m-long rice field) that could not be used as is. After negotiating with the owner of the adjacent land, we were able to sell the plot, together with the adjacent land, as a 30 m wide and 100 m long piece of land. As a result, the value of the land increased approximately fourfold.

  • Planned construction of municipal road on land

    Example 3Planned construction of municipal road on land

    Plans to build a rental condominium on a piece of land leased as a parking lot and a field had to be scrapped when it was announced that construction of a municipal road across the said land had been approved. However, after we submitted our proposal, it became possible to successfully sell the land.

Main areas of

Nara Prefecture


Real Estate Transactions License/Nara Prefectural Governor (6) No. 3122

Asset utilization

Asset utilization

Main activities

We propose effective ways to utilize the assets of real estate owners. We offer detailed explanations regarding the best methods to build apartments and condominiums, to make the best use of parking lots and container warehouses, and to lease land and sell assets.

Main areas of business

Nara Prefecture

  • Real Estate Transactions License/Nara Prefectural Governor (6) No. 3122

Steps of asset utilization consultations

  1. STEP01

    Consultation by interview

    We hold an interview to gather information about your real estate assets, your needs, your future objectives, and so on.

  2. STEP02


    Based on the owner's requests, we conduct surveys and market research on how to best utilize the relevant real estate properties and to explore possibilities.

  3. STEP03


    As a result of our market research and forecast, we propose a multifaceted plan that allows you to utilize your real estate holdings in the most effective way.

  4. STEP04

    Consideration of proposal on your part

    We then ask you to consider the proposal we submitted.

  5. STEP05

    Examination of proposal
    Simulation of implementation

    Once the overall plan is approved, we formulate an implementation plan, conduct simulations and make supplementary proposals to ensure the success of the plan.

  6. STEP06


    Work will start based on the implementation plan and taking into account revenue and expenditures, including the formulation of a financial plan and a business plan.

View rental condominium management
(Y&M Mansion)