Rental Management System you can rely on
Business plan Recruiting tenants
during construction
CompletionE Commence Tenant
Management Business
while renting out a room

œAccompanied Room inspection
œCollection and exchanging of keys
œInterior renovations
œDeposits and Key Money account clearance
œRecruit new tenants

œPrepare tenant recruiting information
œTenant recruiting advertisements applications
œAcceptance of tenant applications

œTenant's credit check
œRental contracts
œCollection of deposits and rents
œRent remittance
œIssue certifications
ie.g. garage certificationj
œHanding over key to tenant
œRegular patrol
œRegular cleaning
œ24 hour maintenance
œArrange repair trades people
œ24hour complaints section
œPress for the payment of arrears
œPayment management report
œAttend tenants' claims
œRent revision
œInspection of water meters

When you try to manage rental properties yourself, it becomes a huge hassle - from putting advertisements in magazines for new tenants, to listening to the tenants complaints. If the water pipe bursts, or the gas leaks, you have to contact trades people to come and fix the problem. Also, regular cleaning around the property is a necessity to keep the tenants happy. So much to do with so little time! That is where a Rental Property Management Contract comes in handy. so much to do with so little time.EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

If you sign a Rental Property Management Contract, you can sit back and just wait for the reports. You will be able to enjoy your free time.EEEEEEE

It is our recommendation to sign a Rental Property Management Contract.